Dangers of Vitamin D (unless you follow these guidelines)

Dangers of Vitamin D:
There’s tons of information out there about the health benefits of vitamin D. But here’s what no one is talking about: vitamin D can actually be very dangerous for your health.
Here’s Thomas DeLauer, the head of Purathrive’s Scientific Advisory Board, with a detailed explanation:
Vitamin D is critical for maintaining optimal health, and can work wonders if used properly.
But here’s the rub: vitamin D3 must be taken in conjunction with vitamin K2. The two work in perfect synergy to modulate calcium levels in the body; vitamin D3 mobilizes it, and vitamin K2 ensures that it’s directed where it needs to go.
Here’s Thomas DeLauer, the head of Purathrive’s Scientific Advisory Board, with a detailed explanation:
Calcium in your bones is great – it keeps them strong and pliant, and protects you against osteoporosis. But calcium in your arteries is very bad—in fact, arterial calcification is a leading risk factor for heart disease.
Without vitamin K2 to steward calcium away from arteries, taking too much vitamin D on its own can have disastrous consequences.
Countless vitamin D products fail to heed this danger, despite a growing mountain of evidence demonstrating how ill-advised vitamin D supplementation is without vitamin K.
PuraTHRIVE’s vitamin D3 is formulated in perfect proportion with vitamin K2, so that you can enjoy all the benefits of supplementation with none of the risks.
unlike other products, we use a form of vitamin K2 called MK-7, which has a much longer half-life than its cheaper and more commonly used cousin, MK-4.
This unique formulation, coupled with our cutting-edge liposomal and micelle encapsulation, make our formula the most advanced and effective in the world.
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