Using Ginger for Pain Relief – Learn about inflammation

Using Ginger for Pain Relief – Learn about inflammation
Most people are aware now that taking pharmaceuticals to manage pain can have negative effects on your body. Fortunately, there are some powerful natural remedies available to you!
Today, learn how you can use ginger for pain relief through the reduction of inflammation in the body.
Join Celebrity Trainer, Purathrive Advisory Board Member & Organic Foods Expert, Thomas DeLauer as he takes you through 2 studies that show direct correlations between ginger and arthritis relief and inflammation-based pain reduction.
Purathrive’s Micelle Liposomal Curcumin Gold combines ginger with curcumin and DHA to knock out inflammation and give you relief from muscle and joint pain.
This formula is 185x more absorbable than most other types forms of curcumin and similar supplements.
Not only is Curcumin Gold great for pain relief, but it supports a healthy immune system, boosts and protects cognitive function and aids digestion.
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