5 easy ways to lower inflammation with Ginger, Omega-3’s and Curcumin

5 easy ways to lower inflammation with Ginger, Omega-3’s and Curcumin
Do you suffer from joint pain and inflammation?
–> Get our powerful blend of Curcumin, DHA and Ginger!
Celebrity Trainer, Purathrive Advisory Board Member & Organic Foods Expert, Thomas DeLauer as he unveils 5 easy ways in which you can lower inflammation using ginger, omega-3’s and curcumin through 5 tasty little dishes!
Try adding PuraTHRIVE’s Curcumin Gold to things like oatmeal, organic greek yogurt, non-dairy whipped toppings, non-dairy coconut ice cream or even make Thomas’s golden ginger milk!
Purathrive Micelle Liposomal Curcumin Gold contains a powerful blend of 3 anti-inflammatory compouds, curcumin, DHA and ginger.
Our unique delivery mechanism gets the curcumin, DHA and ginger INTO your cells to support long-lasting joint health and function.
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